
Saturday, May 9, 2020

"Psycho" 101

   This was begun nearly eight years ago. A lot has happened in that time: notably, the vast increase in global population and, as time transitioned from 2019 into 2020, a pandemic. Having "sheltered in place" since mid-March, I've had plenty of time to think and write but haven't done so, because it has been painful to watch humans be so unkind to each other. Still, I feel obliged to share and interact: humans are social creatures and we have it within us to help each other be our best selves.
   Humans are complex, multi-faceted creatures. While putting myself "out there" via this medium, there is an awareness that some may find elements herein, disturbing. That is a risk I readily take, hoping it inspires you to look within yourself. Now, in 2020, almost everybody on the planet, has time for taking a closer look at one's lifestyle and habits. So far, most of the seven billion plus people on the planet are too busy trying to stay alive, to bother with metaphysical niceties. Then, of course, those who are barely even inconvenienced, seem so busy making themselves richer/making life miserable for the have-nots, they don't seem the least bit inclined toward self-improvement or introspection. C'est la vie.
   Perhaps a few took exception to the content of my 31 August dream, wondering what sparked it. (Remember, this was 2012: it has been so long since I had that dream, I don't know if it was one about being a dragon or some other supernatural being. I cannot find record of it in any of my drafts.) As a person who minored in psychology, it seems an "occupational hazard," for want of a better term, to psycho-analyze my more unusual dreams. The best I came up with, is *government* is "eating us alive." I will add the, ahem, 'action' took place "off stage," as it were, and it was not violent or gory. As for my acknowledged involvement: are we not all, at some level, involved/culpable?
   No matter your political affiliation, it's pretty evident in the U.S. as well as many other countries, change is needed. There are so many [any are too many, in my opinion] right wing governments/regimes. In the "Age of Corona" (the virus, not the beer), the world is seeing the countries with the best responses, are led by women. Most, if not all, of those countries also have social democracies in place. People cannot, indeed must not, continue to place blind faith in a "machine" that chews us up, sucks the life out of us and spits us out like so much offal.
   Read, process information, thinkvote, (if at all able). Sadly, "ability" refers not only to state of physical well-being: in many countries, including United States, there is rampant voter suppression. Do whatever you are able, to ensure voting rights. Since information is power, mentor in schools or adult ed programs; help teach everyone to read. We need individuals, not automatons. If there is no program in your school curriculum, contact a local library. [Obviously, much of this work is difficult to impossible, while safety measures of remaining physically distant are in place.] Unplug your television an hour or two a week and have family discussion. I know I don't have to tell you these things, maybe you just needed reminding. Maybe we all do.
   Let's not become emotionally isolated and uninvolved. Let us not be afraid of what others will think. Be bold and share yourself. Maybe your action will give someone else courage to do the same.

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