
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Bingo, babes, 'n' beer

'Allo cherie,
   It has been too long since my last missive to you, so this is an attempt to assuage my guilt. As for this composition's title, I hasten to add "not necessarily in that order." Some thought was given to alphabetizing them, or listing by occurrence. Ultimately, I opted for what rolled off my tongue easiest.
   My social calendar frequently has a 'feast or famine' feel to it. Some stretches have uninterrupted days, with nary an activity to be had; next thing I know, one thing gets piled on top another. It would have happened this month with the monthly reunion luncheon and bingo, but for a teensy scheduling miscalculation. You see, the floor of the community room [at the apartment complex where I live] gets waxed, every three months. In May, the floor was waxed on third Thursday - which is usually bingo night. That also happened to be same day I met high school friends for lunch. It was my good fortune not to have to play a double-header. Babes, third Thursday; bingo, fourth Thursday; and beer, yet to come, tomorrow afternoon, on fifth Thursday. Last Thursday of the month is when Tecumseh Senior Center has its "Social Club" outings. We generally take off November-February, due to iffy weather and winter holidays.
   There are several letters on my desk, awaiting reply. Some people will receive newspaper recipe enclosures. I often get letter prompts from Facebook. This morning, walking to mail drop-slot, a letter began its journey to South Carolina. I hope soon to receive confirmation that an errant missive has finally reached the Asian subcontinent. A correspondent from Missouri, recently sent several selfies; one of which will be cut down to put in a locket. Notification has been given that other letters are en route.
   This morning was so humid, the morning walk was completed indoors. Completing rounds just before nine o'clock, I waited for manager's office to open, so a work order could be submitted. Last night, bedroom curtain rod became detached from the wall, necessitating a visit from the maintenance man. Mid-morning, new housekeeper arrived and duties were performed satisfactorily. At one o'clock, the movie Cool Running (1993), about Jamaican bobsled team, was shown. If you know anything at all about me, you are fully aware that I am a big softy and cry easily. So I teared up when they qualified for entry and in a couple other spots. The tears came in a veritable torrent when the team shouldered their sled and walked it the last several yards, to cross the finish line. June events are already filling up my datebook.
   A communal meal which coincides with one tenant's birthday, will be held first Friday in June. Sliced chicken breast will be my contribution; maybe a dessert salad, if I feel ambitious. That's all the news I can think of but I shall be sure to write again.

Jo Ann

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